Have your roof verges upgraded to the new innovative dry verge roofing system.
Dry Verge is more appealing, more cost effective, durable and very little maintenance is required, which cuts down on the costs immensely. Whereas the mortar based verges do require much more maintenance and more costs are incurred. With dry verge the traditional 'wet mortar' will no longer be required.
Birds take advantage of the mortar based verges and as the weather erodes the mortar, birds use the areas for nesting, enlarging the space which also allows for water to penetrate and cause problems as well as other insects getting into the roofline/loft space. Dry Verge helps avoid damp problems and insect infestations as well as preventing birds from taking up residence. .
Fitted by our experienced team, dry verge will last for many years to come.
With dry verge there are also choices in colour, style and design to suit your preferences.